About Room 6

Thursday 31 March 2011

Snow White and the Ten Dwarfs

Can you believe it? Today I saw a loving princess named Snow White. Every day she fed her four cats and dogs. The Queen was very angry when she saw her feeding the animals because she hated animals.She called one of her bad servant to sent Snow White to Samoa. Snow White heard the plan so, she ran into the scary forest. Finally she found her way out and saw a little house with ten dwarfs in it. She went to one of the dwarf and asked if she could stay and the dwarf replied "Yes ,you can". The Queen saw her on the magic mirror and got so, so angry that she hunted her. First she turned herself into a prince and made a poisoned flower. The Queen pass by Snow White and gave her the flower. She smelled it and fall into a deep sleep. When the dwarf saw Snow White they ran to another prince that lived on top of the hill. The prince ran until he saw Snow White and kissed her. She woke up and the prince asked her to marry him. Snow White agreed and they lived happily ever after.

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