About Room 6

Thursday 7 April 2011

Our Duffy Hero

Hurry up! Run room 4, so we can go to the hall for Duffy Assembly! We were walking fast and we saw a humungous truck. When we were in the hall we sang our duffy song. Mr. Mac joined us singing. He danced with Mrs. Dines. Every body was laughing and singing at the same time. After that Mr. Mac read us his book. Me, Star, Aaron and Julius helped him. Then he put the disc on. We got to hold a book to show every one. I got a certificate for helping him read. Miss Lorenzo took a photo of me, Star, Aaron, Julius and Mr. Mac by his truck. I had fun at Duffy assembly but I was really, really shy because I was reading in front of every one at school.


  1. wow it must have been a big truck leonye and i would be very very very very shy to read to the school to!
    awesome story about mr mac


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