About Room 6

Tuesday 19 November 2013

To Room 8
Aaron I like the way you pretended to be a T.V. presenter.It was very cool.
From Dhon of Room 4

Thursday 12 September 2013

Should Children Eat Chocolate? By Aiden

Should Children Eat Chocolate or
I think children should be allowed to eat chocolate whenever they want to because it has milk, and milk gives us calcium. It makes me happy because it tastes delicious. We should eat chocolate whenever we want because it has fruits.

Children should not be allowed to eat chocolate whenever we want to because it has lots of sugar which gives you diabetes. If you eat too much chocolate it makes you silly. It has lollies, and lollies make your teeth rotten.

Do you think chocolate is good or bad?

By Aiden 

Wednesday 3 July 2013

The Stormy Weather by Philomena

THE STORMY WEATHER                                  
It was a day that was really frightening.

I got scared when the thunder struck. The room shook and we feared our lights will shut off.  It frightened us.  

Later the rain came bucketing down the chimney. It was like a nightmare when the sky rumbles with sharp lightning and thunder. It was scary when the sky made crackling sound.

The frightening thing was when a tree fell and makes a booming noise and broke the barbeque table. My mum and I were terrified from the loud noise that the sky was making.

By Philomena 


Glop by Mana

A glop feels gooey like glue and it looks like a wobbly jelly.

It also feels slimy like a snail. It looks like blood because glop is red.

Glop can stick on our uniform and it won’t come off. Glop is a little bet warm and it is very poisonous when you swallow it.

Glop is a very weird name.

By Mana

Glop By Aiden

It’s a weird word and very wobbly.

A glop is very squishy like jelly. It is very sticky like glue. It is mostly slimy like gunge.

I thought it was blood because of the redness. But when I looked closer it wasn’t blood because it didn’t feel watery. So I went with glue. I think it was jam because when I open it, looks the same.

If you touch it, your hands turn red. Glop really look’s yucky up close. They are poisonous so don’t eat it.

Thursday 6 June 2013

                     Stormy Night

South of New Zealand to the North of New Zealand was rainy and windy. The black clouds were covering the sky. I couldn’t see the river because it was raining hard.

It sounds loud because of the thunder. The lighting was brightening the clouds and the thunder was making the storm loud. The wind was strong because it blew trampolines away.

I felt scared because the day was starting to turn to night. I thought the windows were going to break. People were very afraid.

When I went to bed and woke up the next day I saw the sun light. I knew that the storm would never come again today. But next winter it will be coming so I better get ready.
    By Aiden

Stormy night
It was a night I got scared.

I saw big black clouds shaped like a shark. I was really scared I slept with my uncle.

The lightning was loud it sounded like crackling noise. I could not believe my eyes because I saw big lighting.

I even hated the black sky. It reminds me of a movie called Paranormal Activity 2. I was scared so I close my eyes and snooze off to sleep.

By Lasike    

It was a rainy and thundery day. I heard a noise from the chimney. The wind was getting stronger. It was like a dangerous monster.

I could not see anything outside. All I can see is black clouds building up in the sky. I could not see trees, bushes, and the streets. The strong wind destroyed some houses and lift up trees.

I was scared that the windows will come off.  Mum was frightened and thinks it might crack. Suddenly the awful rain stopped. Me and my mum were happy that the house was still in one piece. I hope that the strong rain and wind will not happen again.

By Julius

The Storm
It was a stormy day and lighting came and hit a tree and cut the branches.

There was flood because of the storm. I could not sleep because I was frightened of the lighting and the heavy rain. The rain sounds like giants blowing the earth. I felt that the earth was shaking because of the storm.

Lots of trees were also shaking and leaves were falling. I was worried because I thought that the trees would fall onto our house and cause damage. Leaves were blown all over the place.

I was scared because I think all the windows are going to break. The wind was so strong that nearly all the leaves from the trees are gone. The windows were shaking and slammed. I was terrified so I ran to my room and jumped in bed until I fell asleep.      

By Shannon                                                       

Friday 12 April 2013

       My Best Friend
Do you have a best friend?

I have a best named Lasike. We are in the same class. Lasike is born on August. We have a lot in common.

I like him because he is nice. He looks out for me and always plays with me. We like to play rugby and World Wide Entertainment13. It makes us excited and gives us excise.

I feel so happy because, he makes feel I’m the luckiest friend in the world. Sometimes I’m annoyed because he talks to me when I am working. I think he is cool because he has lots of friends.
            By Aiden

                 My best friend
A friend is a person who helps you and plays with you when you are alone. He never leaves you, and he teaches you stuff like math and reading.

I like my friend because his birthday is on my favourite month, November. I also like his name, Aiden. He likes all the stuff I love, like video games. We like to play our favourite sports, Rugby. Sometimes we play Bulrush, Soccer and Tag.

I think my friend is smart, funny and cool. Sometimes annoying because he loves to shout.
By Lasike    

Thursday 28 March 2013






Monday 25 March 2013

The Boy his Dad and his Dog

 The Boy, his Dad, and his Dog

One sunny  day a  boy  name  Josh was  playing  on his swing  outside. His dog was  angry because Josh did not feed  him,so the dog bit him on his left leg.

“ Oww”, yelled Josh. His dad heard him and he ran outside .He was really angry with the dog. He said“you are a very bad dog. “Let’s go inside Josh so we can put a bandage on your left leg.”
 "Thank you dad”, said Josh. “You’re welcome,”said dad. “Let’s go to bed and have a rest.”            

By Kayla       




Beans are vegetable .They have different shapes. Some are round and some are shaped like kidneys. They have different colours. There are white, red, blue, green, pink and speckled beans.                                                      Bean plants have vines so they can climb upwards. They have green leaves. Some beans have red flowers, some have yellow, and some have white flowers.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      


Beans need rain water and sunlight to grow. They need to be in the right place when planted so that it can grow taller. It can die if it hasn’t been fed. Sometimes they can die from weeds. When caterpillars and worms eat their leaves, the beans will be all gone.


We can get healthy eating beans because it makes us strong. Sometimes you can get sick if you eat too much beans.                                                                                                            



By Rosary Faitasi



Beans are vegetable .They have different shapes. Some are round and some are shaped like kidneys. They have different colours. There are white, red, blue, green, pink and speckled beans.                                                      Bean plants have vines so they can climb upwards. They have green leaves. Some beans have red flowers, some have yellow, and some have white flowers.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      


Beans need rain water and sunlight to grow. They need to be in the right place when planted so that it can grow taller. It can die if it hasn’t been fed. Sometimes they can die from weeds. When caterpillars and worms eat their leaves, the beans will be all gone.


We can get healthy eating beans because it makes us strong. Sometimes you can get sick if you eat too much beans.                                                                                                            



By Rosary Faitasi



Beans are vegetable .They have different shapes. Some are round and some are shaped like kidneys. They have different colours. There are white, red, blue, green, pink and speckled beans.                                                      Bean plants have vines so they can climb upwards. They have green leaves. Some beans have red flowers, some have yellow, and some have white flowers.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      


Beans need rain water and sunlight to grow. They need to be in the right place when planted so that it can grow taller. It can die if it hasn’t been fed. Sometimes they can die from weeds. When caterpillars and worms eat their leaves, the beans will be all gone.


We can get healthy eating beans because it makes us strong. Sometimes you can get sick if you eat too much beans.                                                                                                            



By Rosary Faitasi



Beans are vegetable .They have different shapes. Some are round and some are shaped like kidneys. They have different colours. There are white, red, blue, green, pink and speckled beans.                                                      Bean plants have vines so they can climb upwards. They have green leaves. Some beans have red flowers, some have yellow, and some have white flowers.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      


Beans need rain water and sunlight to grow. They need to be in the right place when planted so that it can grow taller. It can die if it hasn’t been fed. Sometimes they can die from weeds. When caterpillars and worms eat their leaves, the beans will be all gone.


We can get healthy eating beans because it makes us strong. Sometimes you can get sick if you eat too much beans.                                                                                                            



By Rosary Faitasi

Friday 15 March 2013

The Garden

One morning I went outside to get some fresh air. I went under the tree and I saw a cute cat.

The cat said, “Come and follow me, I will take you to my forest.” “My forest has lots of cats and birds.” “The birds sing for us and we make something for them.” 

I said, “I want to stay right here because my mum and dad will be looking for me and they will be worried sick.”

The cat went away and I said good bye.
 It answered, “See you later.”

By Jaden

Thursday 14 March 2013


Beans are vegetable. They have different shapes. Some  are round, some are long, and some are shaped like a kidney. Beans have different colour. There are white, red, blue, green, pink, and speckled beans.

They have green leaves. Fruits come out in different shapes. Some are long, some are short and broad, and some are skinny and very long. Beans have red and white flowers.

They need water, sunlight, oxygen, and fertiliser in order to grow. Sometimes they need insecticides to help them stop the caterpillar from eating their leaves.

We eat beans to make us strong and healthy. Beans help us grow just like our mum and dads.

By Lasike